Saturday, April 19, 2014

YouTube Problems and Future Episodes

As some of you guys (for those that are out there?) know, I'm uploading my video gameplay to YouTube and posting it to this blog. Well, YouTube has recently become more of a problem as the end of 2013. YouTube is sending out more copyright notices to YouTube content creators (even beginners like me). These copyright notices are flagged when their automated system determines that the file uploaded may contain music or footage claimed under a copyright. For both of my episodes, they have both received notices.

You can see where it says "Matched third party content"

What is ironic and funny about my videos is the "flagged" portion of the video is the soundtrack from the game. Yes, the game's music is flagging itself. It recognizes it as a soundtrack created from someone else (probably the same people who participated in the development of the game).

What’s likely happening is that YouTube or Google have implemented some sort of new algorithm which is detecting this stuff automatically, and issuing notices accordingly.

Despite all these annoying issues, I have more footage for four more episodes. I'm aiming close to 15 minutes per episode.

Well that is the update for now.


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